Indie Singer-Songwriter Riley Pearce Returns With The Delicate “Habit” Feat. Maddy May

March 17, 2023 BY Jason Currell

Indie singer/songwriter Riley Pearce returns with his intimately delicate new single “Habit” featuring Maddy May. Serving as a follow-up to his debut album, The Water & The Rough, “Habit,” produced by Pearce, combines the lush vocals of Maddy May mixed with the raw authentic voice and lyricism of Riley Pearce. 2022 saw Maddy and Riley both supporting Garrett Kato during their Australian tours as well as the release of May’s debut album, The Full Picture. Since the release, the album has generated over 1.4M streams with adds to Spotify playlists such as Fresh Finds AU & NZ, Coffee + Chill, and The Picnic List. “Habit” by Riley Peace and Maddy May is available on all digital retailers (here).

There was something so magical about writing this song together,” shares RileyI think there’s always a lot of things going on in our lives that don’t let us be our true selves or cause our true self to be lost along the way and I think that’s where this song comes from. It’s about realizing you haven’t been honest with yourself or have been trying to fit a mold, follow someone else’s path and are realizing this and trying to bring yourself back.”

“The first time Riley and I met was for this co-write, it was beautiful going from strangers to getting to know each other in one of the most vulnerable ways,” shares Maddy May. “Riley shared a lyric idea with me, and I started crying and then he started crying too and I felt like we were onto something special.”


Riley shares on the production of “Habit,” This was one of the first tracks I recorded in my new shed/studio conversion, and I really enjoyed the challenge of working in a new space. The song has a vulnerable message, and it took a few different paths before we found a way to really enhance that aspect of the song from a production standpoint. Maddy was receptive to all my silly ideas for getting certain sounds, at least to get the ideas down. I recall playing a scratchy type beat on the back of my songbook so we could get the rough sound design idea down so we could recreate it to something with a bit more depth later.”

Photo Credit: Cedric Tang // Download Here