Indie Electronic Artist MISHEGAS Announces Debut EP; Shares Title Track “Temporary Love”       

January 9, 2021 BY Nettwerk

Mexico-born and New York City-based artist, producer, and multi-instrumentalist Emilio Quezada Ibañez, aka Mishegas, is excited to announce his debut EP, Temporary Love, will be released on April 2, 2021. Today, he celebrates this news with the release of the bouncy title track, which transports the listener from the chill of January to a dreamy daytime dance party in the sun. 


The five songs on the EP were written while Quezada was living in Chicago and finished upon arrival in New York City this past year. When asked about the inspiration for Temporary Love, Emilio says, “’Temporary Love’ is about thinking back on past intense relationships or time periods in which you remember being extraordinarily happy and how overwhelming / conflicting it can feel to all of a sudden realize how far removed or disconnected you feel from those experiences. So in a sense, it’s also about nostalgia and dealing with the conflicting emotions that that feeling can bring.”  Of the title track, he adds, “It was inspired by the giddy feelings that you feel at the beginning of falling in love, whether that’s with a person, a movie, a book, etc. Wanting to know more about / spend more time with something or someone. Just that initial burst of energy.”

Mishegas, a Yiddish word that can be interpreted as hectic, crazy, or eccentric – all terms used to describe elements of his sound – is a talented multi-hyphenate with backgrounds in film, sports, travel, design, and skincare content (he co-maintains the influential Dewy Dudes podcast and social media – recent guests include Canadian producer/DJ Ryan Hemsworth and New York Magazine writer Rio Viera-Newton). Born in a small town outside Mexico City, he moved to the U.S. with his family at a young age and lived in multiple places throughout the American Southeast and Midwest, before moving to Chicago for college (where he was a frequent collaborator to Shallou and TRAILS) and eventually to his current home in New York. He credits his transient existence as one of the reasons his music is comprised of such rich diversity. Beginning with the Spanish classical guitar and eventually gravitating to electronic music in college, Quezada realized that his introverted nature in addition to his isolated rural surroundings was pushing him toward a creative endeavor best practiced in solitude. He fills his songs with distinct noise, often piling effects on recorded instruments, field recordings, or samples, then tinkering with them—adding those textures and atmospheres—until they reach a point that he finds interesting. Having released a steady stream of acclaimed singles over the past few years, he is excited to finally release his debut EP.