Bedroom Pop Artist Aunty Social Shares New Track & Video
September 13, 2019 BY Nettwerk
Today, 24-year-old bedroom pop artist Aunty Social shares her second single, “Traveling Circus.” The moniker Aunty Social, whose real name is Daniela Gitto, comes from past insecurities and periods of isolation where she’d use music as a therapeutic aid to address toxic lifestyles and her own struggles with mental health.
The new track digs into her own insecurities and social anxieties further with Daniela explaining, “The only way I could accurately depict social anxiety is by singing through stream of consciousness. I needed to show how illogical and self-hating these thoughts can be. The paradox is that the struggle is all internal and the outward effects can come off as obnoxious, overly-excited, weird etc, which brings more ammunition for the self-hatred. I call it my social overcompensation. Speaking too loudly to show enthusiasm, bulging my eyes too much to show an expression of interest, chugging my drink quicker to calm my scattered thoughts, unknowingly talking over someone because I don’t want the conversation to dwindle. I can go on, but this song is written for those who suffer silently, like myself.”
The Toronto-based artist’s first single with Nettwerk, “Trying,” is an introspective, electro indie-pop jam that dives into Daniela’s religious past, and the crisis that followed when she left it all behind. The track was picked for the #2 spot on Spotify’s Fresh Finds playlist the week of release.
Stay tuned for more news from Aunty Social.